Apex Legends , Respawn's battle royale game, is about to go into its third season. In Apex Legends: Season 3 , the hacker Crypto will be introduced as a brand-new playable character, one that most likely won't affect the competitive meta too much, but will create new counters for certain Legends. Season 3 begins on October 1, adding a new Legend, map, battle pass, hop-up, and weapon to Apex Legends. During a press preview event, we got hands-on time with all the new content coming to the battle royale during Season 3 and also spoke to Respawn CEO Vince Zampella and Apex Legends design director Chad Grenier about the future of the game. Breaking Down Crypto, A Supportive Recon Specialist Crypto's abilities are tied to his drone, which he can summon with his tactical ability. While out, the drone can mark enemies, open doors and loot crates, and pick up teammate's respawn beacons. Once summoned, his passive kicks in--allowing both Crypto and his teammates to see targe...